Introduction to the course. References and Templates. Copy

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The course “Northern Landscape” contains Introductory chapter and six lessons.

All lesson’s contents are open for immediate access. You can start with any lesson.

The homework review is available for the REVIEW and ZOOM. You are currently signed up for BASIC.

References and templates

Lesson 1. Brush work

There is no reference images for the first class.

Please get ready all your brushes and a few sheets of watercolour papers. You are going to practice the brush work.

Lesson 2. Even and gradation washes. Two tones landscape and seascape sketches.

References for classwork

References for homework inspiration

Lesson 3. Three tone landscape.

References for classwork

References for homework inspiration

Lesson 4. Grizal. Tone Scale. Mountains and Foggy Forest.

Paper preparation for the practical exercises

Duration 2 min

Duration 5 min

Template for classwork

OVAS Nl L4 Snow Mountains Template

References for classwork

References for homework inspiration

Lesson 5. Multicoloured wash. Abstract landscape.

Lesson 6. Alternative wash. Storm sky.

References for classwork

References for homework inspiration

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