Study the image above. I took the photo in my garden. On your first look you can see there is no composition, not an even appealing subject to talk about. This style of photography is my husband’s specialty. But if you take a closer look, you will see a beautiful wild rose flower, a few buds, leaves and branches that you can use to create your own composition.
What I did you can see in the images below. I draw a composition using a sheet of printer paper and a pencil. I took the shape of the wild rose and placed it slightly right of centre on the paper. Then I completed the composition by “cutting and pasting” the elements from my photo reference: buds, leaves and branches. Practice with your own photo reference (s) to create your own composition.
After I outlined my sketch with a fountain ink pen, you can see this step in the image above. Then I erased the pencil marks and scanned it.
Ta Da! Now I have my own template – “OVAS Flowers. Lesson 4. Garden Rose.Template.”
Please practice creating your own template using elements from the references or from your own photo(s). Once you are done, take a good photo of it or scan it. Please upload your result at the last part (topic) of this lesson.
To accomplish this lesson you will need one template transferred to the watercolour paper. You can use your template, or you can download this template here.
Please print it and transfer the image to your watercolour paper.
How to transfer the image:
- Print it in colour or black/white.
- Hang the printed image on a big sunny window
- Tape the watercolour paper over the printed image
- Trace the image using a hard pencil (3H).
- Tape the watercolour paper to the board.
For your inspiration.
Flowers 4. Garden rose. Reference 2. Flowers 4. Garden rose. Reference 3.