Lesson 3. Perfect Reflection Copy

In this class you will learn how to create the perfect refections on the water surface. You will learn the rules of the refections proportions. You will paint two beautiful scenery of a mirror images on a lake and river bank.

Exercise 1. Visual walk along the River

This time you will go for a walk along the river bank, pond, city lake or just any nearby beach. You can take photos of the reflections on the any water surfaces.

Try to add a large collection of images in your “visual library”. Please pay attention that the reflection is darker than subject.

Meanwhile, just enjoy your walk!

Exercise 2. Watercolour Sketch “River Bank”

Colour Palette for the exercise # 2:

  • Watercolour paint
  • Lavender
  • Delph Blue/Ultramarine
  • Gold Green
  • Olive Green
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Ochra
  • Neutral Tint
  • Payne’s Grey
  • White Gouache or Bleed Proof White by Dr. Ph. Martin’s

Duration 24 minutes

Exercise 3. Watercolour Painting “Mirror Reflection”

Landscape L3 Reflection Reference 2

Colour Palette for the exercise # 3:

  • Watercolour paint
  • Delph Blue/Ultramarine
  • Neutral Tint
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Ochra
  • Magenta
  • Buff Titanium
  • Gold Green (optional)
  • White Gouache or Bleed Proof White by Dr. Ph. Martin’s

Rechargeable Handy Nano Mister (link)

Duration 35 minutes

Student work

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