In this lesson you will practice to create atmospheric wash. You will use a few tricks that we were practised last class.
OVAS NL L6 Storm, Arches, cotton, rough OVAS NL L6 Storm, Strathmore 500, cotton, cold press
Video tutorial
Four types of watercolour techniques
For this exercise please divide your paper in six blocks. You will need only one colour, for example Payne’s Grey. Also you will need small piece of cellophane (food wrap) and a few pinches of table salt.
Materials used for the video demonstration: Watercolour paper - Baohong, Cold Press, 100% cotton Watercolour brush - Flat brash, 1 1/2, Japan - Mop brush, 10 mm, Paul Rubens size 6 - Flat brush, 3/4, escoda - Calligraphy brush, 3 mm Watercolour paint, Van Gogh - Paynes Grey White paint - Bleed Proof White, Dt.Ph. Martin's Drafting tape Water Paper towels

During this video, the salt effect didn’t develop as fully as it could have. Recently, I learned that there are actually two types of salt available in grocery stores: real salt and a salt substitute. It seems the “salt stars” effect is best achieved with real salt. When I studied watercolor at university, we used a mineral fertilizer called “mochevina” to create a similar “star effect.” In North America, it’s known as urea and is available online or at some garden centers.
In the next video you can see results of using different types of salt and Urea.

In the second lesson of the Intermediate course, we’ll explore even more fascinating effects achievable with household items, like vinegar, rubbing alcohol, soap, and more.
If you’d like to experiment with the food wrap effect further, feel free to watch the free practical exercise Stones from the “Nova Scotia” course in the Canadian Landscape series, where you’ll learn how to create a beautiful painting of beach stones.
Storm is coming. Painting process
OVAS NL L6 Storm is coming OVAS NL L6 Reference 1 OVAS NL L6 Storm is coming Template
Materials used for the video demonstration: Watercolour paper - Arches, Cold Press, 100% cotton Watercolour brush - Flat brash, 1 1/2, Japan - Mop brush, 10 mm, Paul Rubens size 6 - Flat brush, 3/4, escoda - Calligraphy brush, 3 mm Watercolour paint, Van Gogh - Paynes Grey - Ultramarine - Burnt Umber - Yellow Ochre - Indigo (optional) White paint - Bleed Proof White, Dt.Ph. Martin's Plexiglas board Palette knife Sea sponge Water Paper towels
Thank you all for your support! I’ve truly enjoyed our time together exploring the beautiful magic of watercolor. I hope you found these lessons inspiring and discovered how interesting and delightfully unpredictable watercolor can be.
Thank you again, and happy painting!
Student’s work
Sue 2021 Tracy 2021 Tracy 2021 Carol 2021 Carol 2021 Valorie 2021 Valorie 2021 Valorie 2021