In this topic you will find ALL references and templates for the course. You might want to print them all at once. Also, you will be able to download them at the first topic of each lesson.
Lesson 1. Line of horizon. Frontal and aerial perspective. Line. Stroke. Tone.
Please print the next 3 images (Image 1; Images 2 and Image 3); or you could draw a small simplified copy of them in your notebook.
These images only for the theory part. You might want to take some notes during the theory part of the class.
OVAS APD L1 Image 1 OVAS APD L1 Image 2 OVAS APD L1 Image 3
Exercises for pencil strokes practicing:
Exercise 1. Vertical Lines. Exercise 2. Horizontal Lines. Exercise 3. Curved Lines. Exercise 4. Classical cross sketching strokes. Exercise 5. Tones. “Mechanical” and “free hand” gradation effect.
Exercises for Aerial Perspective:
Aerial Perspective. Exercise 6.1. One type of pencil hardness and different strokes direction. Exercise 6.2 Different types of pencil hardness and different strokes direction. Exercise 6.3. One type of pencil hardness and “negative space” type of strokes.
Lesson 2. Sphere. Cylinder. Still life composition.
Part 1. Sphere.
Photo references:
OVAS APD L2 Sphere Classwork Reference OVAS APD L2 Sphere Classwork Pencil OVAS APD L2 Sphere Classwork Reference 1 OVAS APD L2 Sphere Classwork Reference 2 OVAS APD L2 Sphere Homework Reference 3 OVAS APD L2 Sphere Classwork Reference 4 OVAS APD L2 Sphere Classwork Reference 5 OVAS APD L2 Sphere Classwork Reference 6
Part 2. Cylinder.
Photo references:
OVAS APD L2 Cylinder Classwork Reference OVAS APD L2 Cylinder Classwork Pencil OVAS APD L2 Homework Reference 1 OVAS APD L2 Homework Reference 2 OVAS APD L2 Homework Reference 3
Lesson 3. Cube. Still life composition.
Photo References:
OVAS APD L3 Cube Pencil OVAS APD L3 Cube Reference OVAS APD L3 Cube Pencil 2 OVAS APD L3 Cube Composition 1 OVAS APD L3 Cube Composition 1 Pencil OVAS APD L3 Cube Composition 2 OVAS APD L3 Cube Homework Reference 1 OVAS APD L3 Cube Homework Reference 2 OVAS APD L3 Cube Homework Reference 3 OVAS APD L3 Cube Homework Reference 4 OVAS APD L3 Cube Template
Lesson 4. Theory of Holes. Shadows.
Theory of Holes.
Theory of Holes. Practical exercise.
Photo References:
Theory of Holes Exercise 2 Image 1 Theory of Holes Exercise 2 Image 2 Theory of Holes Exercise 2 Image 3 Theory of Holes Exercise 2 Image 4 OVAS APD L4 Theory of Holes Image 2 OVAS APD L4 Theory of Holes Image 1 OVAS APD L4 Theory of Holes Image 2 OVAS APD L4 Theory of Holes Image 3 OVAS APD L4 Theory of Holes Image 4
Pencil works:
OVAS APD L4 Theory of Holes Image 1 OVAS APD L4 Theory of Holes Image 2 OVAS APD L4 Theory of Holes Image 3 OVAS APD L4 Theory of Holes Image 4 OVAS APD L4 Theory of Holes Exercises
Lesson 5. Drapery.
OVAS APD L5 Drapery Photo OVAS APD L5 Drapery Pencil OVAS APD L5 Drapery Exercise 1.1. OVAS APD L5 Drapery Exercise 1.2. OVAS APD L5 Drapery Exercise 2 OVAS APD L5 Drapery Exercise 3 OVAS APD L5 Drapery Exercise 4 OVAS APD L5 Drapery Exercise 5 Photo OVAS APD L5 Drapery Exercise 5 Pencil
Lesson 6. Flowers. Bouquet. Still life composition.
Floral Bouquet Composition Theory.
Classwork 1. Magnolia.
OVAS APD L6 Flower Classwork Reference OVAS APD L6 Flower Classwork Pencil OVAS APD L6 Flower Reference 1 OVAS APD L6 Flower Reference 2 OVAS APD L6 Flower Reference 3 OVAS APD L6 Flower Template OVAS APD L6 Flower Template Pencil OVAS APD L6 Flower Geometrical Form 1 OVAS APD L6 Flower Geometrical Form 2 OVAS APD L6 Flower Reference 4 OVAS APD L6 Flower Reference 5 OVAS APD L6 Flower Rose Pencil OVAS APD L6 Flower Magnolia Pencil
Classwork 2. Tulips in a glass vase.
OVAS APD L6 Bouquet Classwork Pencil OVAS APD L6 Bouquet Classwork reference OVAS APD L6 Bouquet Reference 1 OVAS APD L6 Bouquet Reference 2 OVAS APD L6 Bouquet Reference 3 OVAS APD L6 Bouquet Reference 4 OVAS APD L6 Bouquet Reference 5 OVAS APD L6 Bouquet Reference 6
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When you will be at the Lesson/Workshop page, please “Mark Complete” and click “Next Lesson” (blue button).